01572 495040
01572 495040
01572 495040
01572 495040
01572 495040

Mission Statement
Our mission is to be a leading provider of technology solutions for small/medium enterprises and educational establishments. We will achieve this by:
delivering excellent customer service
taking an innovative approach
working with leading technology partners and solutions
being responsible for the environment
investing in and researching new technology
Delivering excellent customer service means carefully assessing requirements and delivering the best possible solution to our customers at a good price.
In order to achieve excellence we shall combine an appropriate mix of open source and vendor led products in an innovative manner. This will help us reduce costs where applicable (e.g. licence costs) and improve reliability.
Working with partners is an important part of running a successful technology business. We work with the open source community and technology vendors to give us the best possible technical knowledge and support. We also work with other IT companies who provide us with specialised skills in projects and support.
We set an example of running an environmentally responsible business through all our business practices. We are realistic in our approach and are able to provide a better service to our customers as a result.
We are committed to spending time and money on researching and testing new technology – ensuring that we are working with advanced products that have proven results.